Palaeoclimatic Research and Models: Workshop Proceedings
von Ghazi, A.
D. Reidel Verlag
Jahr: 1983
205 Seiten
Gebundene Ausgabe
Bestellnummer: 830369
Das angebotene Buch stammt aus einer wissenschaftlichen Fachbibliothek und befindet sich in einem sehr ordentlichen Zustand.TABLE OF CONTENTSForeword viiWorkshop Report:Session A: Abrupt Climate Changes 2Session B: Initiation of Glaciation 7Session C: Glaciated Polar Regions and their Impact on Global Climate 10Anpendix to Session Reports 13Workshop ProceedingsReviewsActual palaeoclimatic problems from a climatologist's viewpointH. FLOHN (University of Bonn, FRG). 17The physical basis of climate modellingJ. F. B. MITCHELL (Meteorological Office, UK) 34Application of inverse modelling techniques to palaeoclimatic dataK.HASSELMANN and K. HERTERICH (Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie,Hamburg) 52Accuracy of palaeoinsolation and stability in the frequency domainA. BERGER (University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) 69Session A: Abrupt Climate ChangesIce core indications of abrupt climatic changesW. DANSGAARD et al. (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) 72Abrupt climate changes: The terrestrial recordW. WATTS (University of Dublin, Ireland) 74Evolution climatique de la mediterranee orientale au cours des dernieredeglaciationW. D. NESTEROFF (University P - et M. Curie, Paris, France) 81Late-glacial climate history from ice coresH. OESCHGER et al. (University of Bern, Switzerland) 95Pollenanalyses and characters of climatic changes at the end of the Eemianan at the beginning of the late Wurm in Western EuropeA. PONS et al. (Lab. de Botanique Historique et Palynologie, Marseille,France) 108Les crises climatiques de courte duree (quelques ann§es a quelques siScles)et leur enregistrement dans la sedimentation continentaleP. ROGNON (D§pt. de GSographie Physiaue, Univ. P. et M. Curie, Paris,France) 114/1014319390Do N variations in peat bogs allow statements of climatic changesin the past?G. H. SCHLESER (KFA, JUlich, FRG) 124Climatic indexes on the basis of sedimentation narameters in geologicaland archaeological sectionR. PAEPE et al. (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) 129Rather long duration of the transient climatic events in the Grande PileG. SERET (University of Louvain-la-Nueve, Belgium) 139Session B: Initiation of GlaciationThe ocean surface during the last interglacial to glacial transition:A review of the available dataC. PUJOL (University of Bordeaux, France) and J. C. DUPLESSY (Centre desFaibles Radioactivites, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) 145Abrupt climatic events during the last glacial to interglacial transitionJ. C. DUPLESSY (Centre des Faibles Radioactivity, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette,France) and C. PUJOL (University of Bordeaux, France) 153Ice-sheet modelling for climate studiesJ . OERLEMANS (University of Utrecht, Holland) 157A G.C.M. simulation of the importance of insolation forcing for theinitiatio n of Laurentide ice-sheetJ. ROYER et al. (CNRM, Toulouse, France) 164Planetary wave climatology experimentsN. MURDOCH et al. (Exeter University, UK) 168The evolution of Pleistocene climatic variabilityN. J. SCHACKLETON (Cambridge University, UK) 174Session C: Glaciated polar regions and their impact on global climateHistory of the North Polar seas during the past 5 million yearsJ. THIEDE (University of Kiel, FRG) 178Sensitivity of General Circulation Models to changes in sea-ice coverT. S. HILLS (Meteorological Office, UK) 181Numerical modelling of Arctic sea ice: Review and preliminary resultsJ. P. VAN YPERSELE (University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) 193List of Participants 201Appendix: Workshop Committee 205