Physiological Plant Ecology (4 vols.cpl./ 4 Bände KOMPLETT) - Vol.I: Responses to the Physical Environment/ Vol.II: Water Relations and Carbon Assimilation/ Vol.III: Responses to the Chemical and Biological Environment/ Vol.IV: Ecosystem Processes: Mineral Cycling, Productivity and Man's Influence

Physiological Plant Ecology (4 vols.cpl./ 4 Bände KOMPLETT) - Vol.I: Responses to the Physical Environment/ Vol.II: Water Relations and Carbon Assimilation/ Vol.III: Responses to the Chemical and Biological Environment/ Vol.IV: Ecosystem Processes: Mineral Cycling, Productivity and Man's Influence
von Lange, O.L., P.S. Nobel C.B. Osmond a. o.
Jahr: 1981 - 1983
gebundene Ausgabe
Bestellnummer: 1644584

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