Human Nutrition: A Comprehensive Treatise (5 vols.cpl. in 6/ 5 Bände KOMPLETT in 6) - Vol. 1: Nutrition: Pre- and Postnatural Development/ Vol. 2: Nutrition and Growth/ Vol. 3/ A: Nutrition and the Adult: Macronutrients/ Vol. 3/ B: Nutrition and the Adult: Micronutrients/ Vol. 4: Nutrition: Metabolic and Clinical Applications/ Vol. 5: Nutrition and Behavior

Human Nutrition: A Comprehensive Treatise (5 vols.cpl. in 6/ 5 Bände KOMPLETT in 6) - Vol. 1: Nutrition: Pre- and Postnatural Development/ Vol. 2: Nutrition and Growth/ Vol. 3/ A: Nutrition and the Adult: Macronutrients/ Vol. 3/ B: Nutrition and the Adult: Micronutrients/ Vol. 4: Nutrition: Metabolic and Clinical Applications/ Vol. 5: Nutrition and Behavior
von Alfin-Slater, Roslyn B. and David Kritchevsky
Plenum Press
Jahr: 1979 - 1984
je Band ca. 500 Seiten/ each vol. about 500 pages
Gebundene Ausgabe
Bestellnummer: 1214410

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