Catalogue of the Pottery & Porcelain in the Collection of L. M. Solon to be sold by Auction without Reserve on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 26th, 27th and 28th November, 1912 by Messrs. Charles Butters & Sons at their Premises Trinity Buildings, Hanley

Catalogue of the Pottery & Porcelain in the Collection of L. M. Solon to be sold by Auction without Reserve on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 26th, 27th and 28th November, 1912 by Messrs. Charles Butters & Sons at their Premises Trinity Buildings, Hanley
year: 1912
59 Seiten
order number: 1628240

Einband etwas staubschmuztig, altersbedingte Anbräunung des Papiers, stellenweise stockfleckig - ansonsten ordentlicher Erhaltungszustand.