Fostering the Growth of High Ability: European Perspective: European Perspectives

Fostering the Growth of High Ability: European Perspective: European Perspectives
von Cropley, A.J. and Detlev Dehn
Ablex Publishing Corporation,U.S.
Jahr: 1996
628 Seiten
Gebundene Ausgabe
Bestellnummer: 785264

Das hier angebotene Buch stammt aus einer teilaufgelösten wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek und trägt die entsprechenden Kennzeichnungen (Rückenschild, Instituts-Stempel...). Der Buchzustand ist ordentlich und dem Alter entsprechend gut. The offered book has been sorted out from a scientific library and shows the usual features like label on the spine, several stamps and handwritten classification marks. It has been used more often, but there are no missing or loose leaves. We can recommend this book only as a very reasonable copy for work. Collectors should choose a new copy.