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Durchstarten in Mathematik - Teil: 7., Mathematik für die 7. Schulstufe

by Mürwald, Elisabeth

year: 1996

order number: 2195608


EUR 4,50*

Durchstarten in Mathematik - Teil: 8., Mathematik für die 8. Schulstufe

by Mürwald, Elisabeth

year: 1998

order number: 2195596


EUR 12,60*

EUR 7,60*

Die Entwicklung des Erkennens I. Das mathematische Denken

by Piaget, Jean

year: 1975

order number: 2195084


EUR 5,40*

Complex Stochastic Processes: An Introduction to the Theory and Application

by Miller, Kenneth S.

year: 1974

order number: 2194834


EUR 25,20*

Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations

by Ascher, Uri M., Robert M. M. Mattheij and Robert D. Russell

year: 1995

order number: 2194680


EUR 24,30*

Partial Differential Equations

by Copson, E. T.

year: 1975

order number: 2194709


EUR 13,50*

Symposium on Semantics of Algorithmic Languages

by Engeler, Erwin

year: 1971

order number: 2194682


EUR 3,10*

The Hopf Bifurcation and Its Applications

by Marsden, J.E. and M. McCracken

year: 1976

order number: 2194717


EUR 14,80*

Bäcklund Transformations, the Inverse Scattering Method, Solitons, and Their Applications

by Miura, Robert M.

year: 1976

order number: 2194654


EUR 40,50*

Foundations of Statistics

by Savage, Leonard J.

year: 1972

order number: 2194635


EUR 9,00*

EUR 7,20*

EUR 3,60*

EUR 9,00*

EUR 22,50*

Techniques of multivariate calculation

by Farrell, Roger H.

year: 1976

order number: 2194650


EUR 11,70*

Wir lernen Mathematik, I - 1.Schuljahr

by Neunzig, Walter und Peter Sorger

year: 1970

order number: 2193757


EUR 2,20*

Mathematik für jedermann

by Brück, Jürgen

year: ca. 2011

order number: 2192565


EUR 3,10*

Mathematik verständlich

by Müller-Fonfara, Robert und Wolfgang Scholl

year: 2005

order number: 2192607


EUR 9,00*

Applied and Computational Statistics: A First Course

by Stoodley, K.D.C.

year: 1984

order number: 2192293


EUR 4,50*

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