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Deklinationsbestimmungen von 85 Sternen am Meridiankreise der Sternwarte in Lund

by Ambolt, Nils P.

year: 1927

order number: 1433425


EUR 9,00*

Deklinationsbestimmungen von 99 Sternen am Meridiankreise der Sternwarte in Lund

by Ambolt, Nils P.

year: 1928

order number: 1433429


EUR 9,00*

EUR 13,50*

On the interpretation of measurements with a solar magnetograph

by Stenflo, Jan Olof

year: 1968

order number: 1433459


EUR 9,00*

On the question of the zero point determination in the metagalactic distance scale

by Lundmark, Knut

year: 1931

order number: 1433456


EUR 9,00*

On the statistical corrections in the comparison of magnitude scales

by Holm, Sture

year: 1931

order number: 1433416


EUR 7,20*

EUR 9,00*

Second list of stars with large proper-motions in the AG-zone of Lund

by Gyllenberg, W.

year: 1932

order number: 1433420


EUR 7,20*

The First Exosat Observation Programme

by Peacock, A. and M. McKay

year: o. Jahr

order number: 1432844


EUR 7,20*

Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e. V. (BAV)

by Braune, W., J. Hübscher und E. Mundry

year: 1977

order number: 1427223


EUR 7,20*

Der visuelle Doppelstern ADS 5514 AB

by Wielen, R.

year: o. Jahr

order number: 1427238


EUR 6,30*

Metallspiegel für astronomische Fernrohre

by Wedel, Bernhard

year: o. Jahr

order number: 1427268


EUR 13,50*

EUR 6,30*

Le Role Général de la Matière Absorbante dans les systèmes Stallaires

by Lindblad, Bertil

year: 1938

order number: 1426760


EUR 9,00*

EUR 7,20*

EUR 6,30*

Répartition des étoiles temporaire galactiques - dans: Tome 14 No. 2 Annales d'Astrophysique

by Bertaud, Charles

year: 1951

order number: 1426755


EUR 6,30*

The Solar Constant

by Johnson, Francis S.

year: 1954

order number: 1426712


EUR 6,30*

The Surface Gravity of Arcturus from Pressure Broadened Metal Lines

by Edvardsson, Bengt

year: 1983

order number: 1426716


EUR 6,30*

EUR 7,20*

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