On the question of the zero point determination in the metagalactic distance scale
by Lundmark, Knut
year: 1931
order number: 1433456
EUR 9,00*
On the statistical corrections in the comparison of magnitude scales
by Holm, Sture
year: 1931
order number: 1433416
EUR 7,20*
Remarks concerning the form of the velocity ellipsoid as derived from proper motions or radial velocity observations
by Gyllenberg, W.
year: 1927
order number: 1433437
EUR 9,00*
Second list of stars with large proper-motions in the AG-zone of Lund
by Gyllenberg, W.
year: 1932
order number: 1433420
EUR 7,20*
The First Exosat Observation Programme
by Peacock, A. and M. McKay
year: o. Jahr
order number: 1432844
EUR 7,20*
Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e. V. (BAV)
by Braune, W., J. Hübscher und E. Mundry
year: 1977
order number: 1427223
EUR 7,20*
Metallspiegel für astronomische Fernrohre
by Wedel, Bernhard
year: o. Jahr
order number: 1427268
EUR 13,50*
A photoelectric differential classification of A and F stars - dans: Tome 14 No. 3 Annales d'Astrophysique
by Rudkjobing, Mogens
year: 1951
order number: 1426754
EUR 6,30*
Le Role Général de la Matière Absorbante dans les systèmes Stallaires
by Lindblad, Bertil
year: 1938
order number: 1426760
EUR 9,00*
Le Spectrographie Rotatoire et ses Possiblités pour l'Étude de l'Absorption Interstellaire
by Öhman, Yngve
year: 1938
order number: 1426761
EUR 7,20*
Photométrie photograhique des nébuleuses extragalactiques - dans: Tome 14 No. 4 Annales d'Astrophysique
by Bigay, Joseph-Henri
year: 1951
order number: 1426753
EUR 6,30*
Répartition des étoiles temporaire galactiques - dans: Tome 14 No. 2 Annales d'Astrophysique
by Bertaud, Charles
year: 1951
order number: 1426755
EUR 6,30*
The Surface Gravity of Arcturus from Pressure Broadened Metal Lines
by Edvardsson, Bengt
year: 1983
order number: 1426716
EUR 6,30*
Origins 2003: Roadmap for the Office of Space Science Origins Theme
year: 2003
order number: 1425887
EUR 7,20*
Application du système photométrique de Genève aux étoiles A - Recensement et étude critique des données photométriques
by Hauck, B.
year: 1971
order number: 1420192
EUR 7,20*
Densità e Struttura dell'Atmosfera in alta quota
by Philipson, F.
year: 1969
order number: 1420195
EUR 7,20*
Etalons de temps et de frequence du service horaire de l'observatoire de Milan
by Proverbio, Edoardo
year: 1964
order number: 1420187