Astrophysics of Brown Dwarfs: Proceedings of a Workshop held at George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia, October 14-15 1985
by Kafatos, Minas C., Robert S. Harrington and Stephen P. Maran
year: 1986
order number: 2091150
EUR 36,00*
Theory and Observation of Normal Stellar Atmospheres: Proceedings of the Third Harvard-Smithsonian Conference on Stellar Atmospheres
by Gingerich, Owen
year: 1969
order number: 2091175
EUR 12,60*
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets (9 vols./ KONVOLUT aus 9 Bänden) - Numbers 1 - 150 - 201 - 500
year: 1934 - 1967
order number: 2086446
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 256,50*
Index of Galaxy Spectra
by Gisler, Galen R. and Eileen D. Friel
year: 1979
order number: 2085452
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 16,20*
Data Analysis in Astronomy (2 vols./ 2 Bände KOMPLETT)
by Di Gesü, V., L. Scarsi P. Crane a. o.
year: 1985/ 1986
order number: 2084937
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 58,50*
Ricerche Astronomiche - VOLUME 3
by O'Connell, D. J. K.
year: 1953-1957
order number: 2084052
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 13,50*
Ricerche Astronomiche - VOLUME 5
by O'Connell, D. J. K.
year: 1958
order number: 2084057
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 13,50*
Highlights of astronomy - Vol. 10., As presented at the XXIInd general assembly of the IAU, 1994
by Appenzeller, I.
year: 1995
order number: 2083321
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 76,50*
Urania 1976. Miesiecznik: Polskiego Towarzystwa Milosnikow Astronomii. Rocznik XLVII
year: 1976
order number: 2083281
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 31,50*
Meddelanden Fran Lunds Astronomiska Observatorium, Ser. I. Band IX, No.161 till 180
year: 1956
order number: 2082835
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 16,20*
A Source Book in Astronomy
by Shapley, Harlow and Helen E. Howarth
year: 1929
order number: 2082804
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 36,00*
Properties of Double Stars a survey of Parallaxes and Orbits
by Binnendijk, Leendert
year: 1960
order number: 2082827
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 16,20*
EUR 15,30*
EUR 40,50*
The Galaxy and The Magellanic Clouds
by Kerr, F. J. and A.W. Rodgers
year: 1964
order number: 2082187
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 40,50*
Gas Dynamics of Cosmic Clouds. A Symposium held at Cambridge, England, July 6-11,1953
year: 1955
order number: 2082179
gebundene Ausgabe