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Ganivets Ideenwelt

by Schrader, Inge

year: 1955

order number: 1435973


EUR 9,00*

EUR 9,00*

Das Beschreiben im empfindsamen und komischen Roman am Beispiel Diderots

by Geilhof, Cornelia

year: 1982

order number: 1435009


EUR 31,50*

EUR 22,50*

Empirical Essays on Business Cycle, Analysis and Financial Constraints

by Kleemann, Michael

year: 2014

order number: 1433269


EUR 22,50*

Essays on Information Problems in Financial Services,

by Kühnhausen, Fabian

year: 2014

order number: 1433263


EUR 22,50*

Essays on Uncertainty and Business Cycles

by Grimme, Christian

year: 2015

order number: 1433258


EUR 22,50*

Tax Attractiveness and Location Decisions of Multinationals

by Dinkel, Andreas Johann

year: 2015

order number: 1433261


EUR 31,50*

Taxing Managers' Bonuses: Essays on the Implications of Bonus Taxation

by Hilmer, Michael H.

year: 2014

order number: 1433265


EUR 27,00*

Bogazicinin Turistik Etüdü

by Agat, Nilüfer

year: 1963

order number: 1432994


EUR 31,50*

Cartels, Patent Pools and the Incentive Effect of Competition

by Fey, Lisa Magdalena

year: 20152

order number: 1433255


EUR 27,00*

Molekulare Phosphoroxide und Phorphoroxidsulfide

by Frick, Frank

year: 1993

order number: 1433163


EUR 22,50*

EUR 31,50*

An Economic Investigation of the Use and Impact of Patents and Trade Marks in Germany

by Schautschick, Philipp

year: 2014

order number: 1432489


EUR 22,50*

Beiträge zur Physiologie der Reblaus (Phylloxera vitifolii Fitch.)

by Becker, Helmut

year: 1952

order number: 1432461


EUR 22,50*

Conradin Kreutzers Lieder für Männerchor

by Leister, Hans

year: 1963

order number: 1432523


EUR 31,50*

Der Einfluss von Meproscillarin auf die Wasser-, Elektrolyt- und Zuckerabsorption im menschlichen Jejunum

by Weber, Harald

year: 1982

order number: 1432475


EUR 31,50*

Die Pyrenäen als Verkehrsscheide

by Nohl, Walther

year: 1956

order number: 1432505


EUR 31,50*

EUR 31,50*

EUR 22,50*

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