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New technology at the outset : social forces in the shaping of technological innovations

by Dierkes, Meinolf and Ute Hoffmann

year: 1992

order number: 2176937


EUR 6,30*

The Hidden Injuries of Class

by Sennett, Richard and Jonathan Cobb

year: 1972

order number: 2176966


EUR 10,80*

Individualism and Conformity in the American Character

by Rapson, Richard L.

year: 1967

order number: 2176885


EUR 5,40*

EUR 13,50*

America's Images of Japan - in: The Japanese Challenge and the American Response: A Symposium

by Hoffman, Nicholas von

year: 1982

order number: 2176843


EUR 8,10*

Ganz normal anders : Auskünfte schwuler Männer aus der DDR

by Lemke, Jürgen

year: 1989

order number: 2176852

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 6,30*

Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives

by Parsons, Talcott

year: 1966

order number: 2176864


EUR 7,20*

Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives

by Parsons, Talcott

year: 1966

order number: 2176763


EUR 4,00*

Toward Understanding Women

by O'Leary, Virginia E.

year: 1977

order number: 2176559


EUR 4,90*

Deutscher Alltag : Meldungen über Menschen

by Doutiné, Heike

year: 1972

order number: 2176492

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 2,70*

EUR 2,70*

Jubeln nach Dienstschluss : Leben in Ost-Berlin

by Bethke, Eckart

year: 1986

order number: 2175148

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 2,20*

Gefangen im Sexus

by Mailer, Norman

year: 1972

order number: 2174995

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 2,70*

Making sense of social movements

by Crossley, Nick

year: 2002

order number: 2174960


EUR 1,80*

The Masque of Femininity: The Presentation of Woman in Everyday Life

by Tseelon, Efrat

year: 1995

order number: 2174950


EUR 2,70*

Feminism, Children, and the New Families

by Strober, Myra H. and Sanford M. Dornbusch

year: 1988

order number: 2173221


EUR 4,50*

A Generation Divided: The New Left, the New Right, and the 1960s

by Klatch, Rebecca E.

year: 1999

order number: 2172747


EUR 4,50*

Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change

by Benokraitis, Nijole V.

year: 1997

order number: 2172752


EUR 3,10*

The Deviance Process

by Pfuhl, Erdwin H. and Stuart Henry

year: 1993

order number: 2172751


EUR 11,70*

Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences

by Ricoeur, Paul

year: 1981

order number: 2172522


EUR 3,10*

Products shown 61 to 80 (of 5862 total)

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