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Moss Flora of North America, vol. 2: Part 1: Grimmiaceae - Part 2: Erpodiaceae & Splachnaceae - Part 3: Bartramiaceae, Timiaceae and Aulacomnicaceae, Bryaceae (1)

by Jones, George Neville, William Campbell Steere Geneva Sayre a. o.

year: 1933, 1935

order number: 2140011


EUR 85,50*

Moss Flora of North America, vol. 3, part 1-4

by Grout, A.J., A.J. Sharp and Winona H. Welch

year: 1928f

order number: 2140015


EUR 85,50*

Züchtung der Futterpflanzen

by Kappert, H. und W. Rudorf

year: 1959

order number: 2139822


EUR 29,70*

Plant Diseases in Orchard, Nursery and Garden Crops

by Gram, Ernst and Anna Weber

year: o.A.

order number: 2139451


EUR 11,20*

European Handbook of Plant Diseases

by Smith, I. M.

year: 1988

order number: 2138792


EUR 11,20*

Plants and Vitamins

by Schopfer, W.H.

year: 1949

order number: 2138696


EUR 9,00*

Maize in the Great Herbals

by Finan, John J.

year: 1950

order number: 2140599


EUR 16,20*

Spermatophyta: Angiospermae. - Dicotyledones 4, Teil 4 1987

by Conert, Hans J., Ulrich Hamman Wolfram Schultze-Motel u. a.

year: 1987

order number: 2140070


EUR 48,60*

Die Bewurzelungsverhältnisse der Pflanzen

by Weber, Hans

year: 1953

order number: 2139991

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 7,20*

Die Bodenpflanzen unserer Wälder

by Feucht, Otto

year: 1925

order number: 2139555

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 6,30*

Flora Italiana Illustrata

by Fiori, Adriano, Giulio Paoletti und Adriano Fiori

year: 1970

order number: 2139444


EUR 85,50*

The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem, Second Edition (Mycology Series, Band 9)

by Wicklow, Donald Thomas and George C. Carroll

year: 1992

order number: 2139026


EUR 28,80*

Plant Virology

by Matthews, R C

year: 1991

order number: 2138938


EUR 39,60*

Ecology and productivity of an African wetland system: The Kafue Flats, Zambia

by Ellenbroek, Gerard A.

year: 1987

order number: 2138838


EUR 58,50*

Fundamentals of Plant Virology

by Matthews, R C

year: 1992

order number: 2138794


EUR 14,40*

Halophytes as a resource for livestock and for rehabilitation of degraded lands

by Squires, V. and A.T. Ayoub

year: 1994

order number: 2138842


EUR 157,50*

Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment

by Heil, G.W. and R. Aerts

year: 1993

order number: 2138840


EUR 117,00*

Trees in the Urban Landscape: Principles and Practice

by Bradshaw, Anthony, Ben Hunt and Tim Walmsley

year: 1995

order number: 2138848


EUR 13,50*

Upland Kenya Wild Flowers: Flora of the Ferns and Herbaceous Flowering Plants of Upland Kenya

by Agnew, A.D.Q.

year: 1974

order number: 2138828


EUR 36,00*

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