computer sciences
Einkauf 4.0: Digitale Transformation der Beschaffung
by Kleemann, Florian C. und Andreas H. Glas
year: 2017
order number: 2207363
EUR 10,80*
Computerunterstützte Inhaltsanalyse in den empirischen Sozialwissenschaften : Theorie - Anwendung - Software
by Bos, Wilfried
year: 1996
order number: 2206988
EUR 4,00*
Planen und kalkulieren mit MULTIPLAN : e. praxisorientierte Einf. in d. Arbeiten mit MULTIPLAN unter CP/M-80 u. MS-DOS-Betriebssystemen
by Albrecht, Peter
year: 1983
order number: 2204502
EUR 4,00*
Lernen ausserhalb der Schule : - ein Marktplatz für ausserschulisches Lernen
by Niederhauser, Rolf
year: 2004
order number: 2204224
EUR 16,20*
EUR 2,20*
Coding Theory and Applications: 2nd International Colloquium, Cachan-Paris, France, November 24-26, 1986. Proceedings
by Cohen, Gerard and Philippe Godlewski
year: 1988
order number: 2201492
EUR 18,00*
Automata Theory and Formal Languages: 2nd GI Conference, Kaiserslautern, May 20-23, 1975
by Brakhage, H.
year: 1975
order number: 2201217
EUR 8,50*
Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '95: Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop in Toulouse, France, June 7-9, 1995
by Palanque, Philippe
year: 1995
order number: 2201218
EUR 10,80*
Uncertain Projective Geometry: Statistical Reasoning for Polyhedral Object Reconstruction
by Heuel, Stephan
year: 2004
order number: 2201271
EUR 49,50*
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2000 Montéal, Quebec, Canada, May 14-17, 2000 Proceedings
by Hamilton, Howard J.
year: 2000
order number: 2201203
EUR 49,50*
Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services: European Workshop, IDMS'96, Berlin, Germany, March 4-6, 1996 Proceedings
by Moeller, Eckhard, Herwart Pusch and Berthold Butscher
year: 1996
order number: 2201202
EUR 7,60*
Moderne Informationstechnologien und die Gesellschaften in Ost- und Westeuropa : Beitr. vom XVI. Erlanger Werkstattgespräch 1987
by Burrichter, Clemens
year: 1988
order number: 2201137
EUR 14,40*
Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web with Firefox
by Pilgrim, Mark
year: 2006
order number: 2200215
EUR 7,60*
LATEX: Apprentissage, guide et référence
by Desgraupes, Bernard
year: 2003
order number: 2200221
EUR 36,00*
Computerarithmetic: Scientific Computation and Programming Languages
by Kaucher, Edgar, Ulrich Kulisch and Christian Ullrich
year: 1987
order number: 2200063
EUR 13,50*
Software Engineering Concepts
by Ledgard, Henry and John Tauer
year: 1987
order number: 2199974
EUR 6,70*
Parallel Computers 2: Architecture, Programming and Algorithms
by Hockney, Roger W. and C. R. Jesshope
year: 1988
order number: 2199273