Lambda-Rings and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group
von Knutson, Donald
Jahr: 1973
Bestellnummer: 2206664
EUR 20,70*
Manifolds - Amsterdam 1970: Proceedings of the Nuffic Summer School on Manifolds Amsterdam, August 17 - 29, 1970
von Kuiper, Nicolaas H.
Jahr: 1971
Bestellnummer: 2206660
EUR 24,30*
PGL2 over the p-adics: its Representations, Spherical Foundations, and Fourier Analysis
von Silberger, Allan J.
Jahr: 1970
Bestellnummer: 2206658
EUR 24,30*
Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Congress Oslo 1968
von Aubert, K.E. and W. Ljunggren
Jahr: 1970
Bestellnummer: 2206648
EUR 13,00*
Proceedings of the Symposium on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems: University of Warwick, September 1968 - August 1969, Summer School, July 15-25, 1969
von Chillingworth, David
Jahr: 1971
Bestellnummer: 2206669
EUR 13,50*
EUR 8,10*
Séminaire Pierre Lelong (Analyse) Année 1969
von Poincare, Henri
Jahr: 1970
Bestellnummer: 2206650
EUR 15,30*
Several Complex Variables I Mayland 1970
von Horvath, John
Jahr: 1970
Bestellnummer: 2206651
EUR 15,30*
Summer School on Topological Vector Spaces
von Waelbroeck, Lucien
Jahr: 1973
Bestellnummer: 2206666
EUR 10,80*
Symposium on Several Complex Variables. Park City, Utah, 1970
von Brooks, Robert M.
Jahr: 1971
Bestellnummer: 2206668
EUR 16,20*
Topics in Multiplicative Number Theory
von Montgomery, Hugh L.
Jahr: 1971
Bestellnummer: 2206674
EUR 12,60*
Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference. Held at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, May 2-3, 1980
von Libgober, A. and P. Wagreich
Jahr: 1981
Bestellnummer: 2206623
EUR 3,60*
Combinatorial Mathematics VII: Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics, Held at the University of Newcastle, Australia, August 20-24, 1979
von Robinson, R. W.
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206612
EUR 18,00*
Combinatorial Mathematics VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics Held at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, August 25-29, 1980
von McAvaney, Kevin L.
Jahr: 1981
Bestellnummer: 2206614
EUR 22,50*
Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory: Seminar, Leningrad 1979/80
von Havin, V. P. and N. K. Nikol'skii
Jahr: 1981
Bestellnummer: 2206633