natural sciences
Thomas Lincoln Casey Fund. Larvae of the Elaterid Beetles of the Tribe Lepturoidini, Coleoptera: Elateridae
by Glen, Robert
year: 1950
order number: 1099025
EUR 13,50*
Hydrographic and biological studies of Block Island sound
by Riley, Gordon A., G.B. Deevey Daniel Merriman a. o.
year: 1952
order number: 1098478
EUR 22,50*
Oxygen, phosphate and nitrate in the Atlantic Ocean
by Riley, Gordon A.
year: 1951
order number: 1098484
EUR 22,50*
Korrosionsforschung vom Standpunkte der Metallkunde
by Creutzfeldt, W. H.
year: 1924
order number: 1163276
EUR 11,70*
Dei naturwissenschaftliche Culturlehre;
by Frobenius, L.
year: 1899
order number: 1162421
Gebundene Ausgabe;
EUR 27,00*
Die chronologische Formate-Tabelle des Wiener Mauerziegels und das Herkommen ihrer Maßgrundlagen in den Jahrtausenden (Grundlagen zur Datierung von Altmauern)
by Schirmböck, Anton
year: Keine Angabe
order number: 1149723
EUR 22,50*
Annual Review of Nuclear Science - Vol. 10
by Segrè, Emilio (Ed.), Gerhart (Ed.) Friedlander und Walter E. (Ed.) Meyer..
year: 1960
order number: 1159803
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 8,90*
Trends in Aerosol Research : New Technologies and Experiments in Aerosol Characterization - Proceedings of the Seminar held on 34 Decembert, 1989 on the Wolfsburg Mühlheim/Ruhr
by Schmidt-Ott, A.
year: 1989
order number: 1099989
EUR 11,70*
Trends in Aerosol Research II : New Approaches in Aerosol Science and Technology - Proceedings of the Seminar held on 17 June, 1991, in Mercatorhalle Duisburg
by Schmidt-Ott, A.
year: 1991
order number: 1099984
EUR 11,70*
Internationale hydrologische Dekade: Symposium Hydrometrie Koblenz 1970
by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
year: 1971
order number: 1154203
EUR 36,00*
Hydraulic continuity in large sedimentary basins - in: Hydrogeoglogy Journal Vol. 3, No. 4
by Voss, Clifford I. and William E. Wilson
year: 1995
order number: 1088490
EUR 7,20*
Use of bromid: chloride to differentiate potential sources of chloride in a shallow, unconfined aquifer affected by brackish-water intrusion - in: Hydrogeoglogy Journal Vol. 5, No. 2
by Voss, Clifford I. and William E. Wilson
year: 1997
order number: 1088486
EUR 7,20*
Geochemistry of the tonalitic and granitic rocks of the Nova Scotia southern plutons - in: Vol. 41, No. 1 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta : Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society
by Shaw, Denis M. and Carlos A.R. de Albuquerque
year: 1977
order number: 1087646
EUR 9,00*
The use of the specific interaction model to estimate the partial molal volumes of electrolytes in seawater - in: Vol. 41, No. 2 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta : Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society
by Shaw, Denis M. and Frank J. Millero
year: 1977
order number: 1087641
EUR 9,00*
Methoden der Sickerwassermodellierung - Theorie und Praxis
by Klotz, D. und K.P. Seiler
year: 2000
order number: 1150946
EUR 18,00*
Migrationsuntersuchungen mit Pseudomonas putida im unterirdischen Wasser
by Klotz, D. [Hrsg.]
year: 2003
order number: 1150941
EUR 18,00*
Untersuchungen zu Schadstoff-Migration in Lysimetern
by Klotz, D. [Hrsg.]
year: 2002
order number: 1150938
EUR 18,00*
Gemeinsame Forschungen mit chilenischen Instituten
by Woltjer, L.
year: 1982
order number: 1150927