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Elements of Plant Protection

by Pyenson, Louis L.

year: 1951

order number: 2125102

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 6,30*

Induced Plant Defenses Against Pathogens and Herbivores: Biochemistry, Ecology, and Agriculture

by Agrawal, Anurag A., Sadik Tuzun and Elizabeth Bent

year: 1999

order number: 2125076

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 63,00*

Recognition in Microbe-Plant Symbiotic and Pathogenic Interactions

by Lugtenberg, Ben

year: 1986

order number: 2125123

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 9,00*

Ecology of Plant Pathogens

by Blakeman, J. P. and B. Williamson

year: 1994

order number: 2125074

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 6,30*

Handbook of Coniferae and Ginkogoaceae

by Dallimore, William, Albert Bruce Jackson and S.G. Harrison

year: 1974

order number: 2125049

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 9,00*

Protein: Protein Interactions in Plant Biology

by McManus, Michael, William Laing and Andrew Allan

year: 2002

order number: 2125071

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 72,00*

The North American Cup-fungi (Operculates)

by Seaver, Fred Jay

year: 1942

order number: 2125045

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 22,50*

Introduction to Plant Pathology

by Heald, Frederick Deforest

year: 1943

order number: 2125005

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 9,00*

Mushroom Growing: A Practical Manual

by Jackson, R.L.O.

year: 1950

order number: 2124986

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 10,30*

Mycotrophy in Plants: Lectures on the Biology of Mycorrhizae and related Structures

by Kelley, Arthur P.

year: 1950

order number: 2124991

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 7,20*

EUR 23,40*

Physiology of the Fungi

by Lilly, Virgil Greene and Horace L. Barnett

year: 1951

order number: 2124996

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 21,60*

Rice Blast Disease

by Zeigler, Robert S., Sally A. Leong and P. S. Teng

year: 1994

order number: 2125008

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 43,20*

The Lower Fungi: Phycomycetes

by Fitzpatrick, Harry Morton

year: 1930

order number: 2124998

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 11,70*

The North American Cup-fungi (Inoperculates)

by Seaver, Fred Jay

year: 1951

order number: 2124993

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 36,00*

Vocabularium Botanicum

by Steinmetz, E.F.

year: ca. 1955

order number: 2124988

Gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 10,80*

The Physiology of Reproduction in Fungi

by Hawker, Lilian E.

year: 1957

order number: 2124948

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 2,70*

Tree Ecology and Preservation

by Bernatzky, A.

year: 1980

order number: 2124964

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 27,00*

Diseases of Forest and Ornamental Trees

by Phillips, D. H. and D. A. Burdekin

year: 1983

order number: 2124887

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 67,50*

Soil Testing and Plant Analysis

by Westerman, Robert Lee

year: 1990

order number: 2124867

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 12,60*

Products shown 181 to 200 (of 525 total)
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