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by Ulrich, Hans

year: 1990

order number: 2169715

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 25,20*

Betriebliche Netzwerke : kontra Hierarchie u. Bürokratie

by Mueller, Robert Kirk

year: 1988

order number: 2169634

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 3,60*

Economics of Managerial Decision-Making

by Marshall, Gloria P. and B. J. McCormick

year: 1986

order number: 2169662


EUR 10,30*

Entscheiden : die kreativen Werkzeuge der Chancendenker

by Liebig, Michael

year: 1993

order number: 2169636

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 3,60*

Explaining International Production

by Dunning, John H.

year: 1988

order number: 2169633


EUR 42,30*

Management : Personen - Strukturen - Funktionen - Instrumente

by Jung, Rüdiger H. und Meinolf Kleine

year: 1993

order number: 2169657

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 9,00*

Managing People at Work: Readings in Personnel

by Beach, Dale S.

year: 1971

order number: 2169637


EUR 17,10*

Moving : neue Managementkonzepte zur Organisation des Wandels

by Dreesmann, Helmut

year: 1994

order number: 2169661

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 3,60*

The Customer Centric Enterprise: Advances In Mass Customization And Personalization

by Tseng, Mitchell M. and Frank T. Piller

year: 2003

order number: 2169649


EUR 13,50*

Theory of Games and Economic Behavior

by Neumann, John von and Oskar Morgenstern

year: 1990

order number: 2169655


EUR 32,40*

Vault Guide to the Top 50 Consulting Firms

by Lerner, Marcy

year: 2006

order number: 2169658


EUR 6,30*

Wertanalyse : die Antwort auf kaizen

by Hoffmann, Heinz J.

year: 1993

order number: 2169628

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 4,50*

Business Unit & Divisional Performance Measurement

by Ezzamel, M.

year: 1992

order number: 2169534


EUR 4,00*

Economic Analysis of Accounting Profitability

by Edwards, Jeremy, John Kay and Colin Mayer

year: 1987

order number: 2169533


EUR 7,20*

Decision-Support and Expert Systems for Management Accountants

by Armitage, Howard M. and J. Efrim Boritz

year: 1991

order number: 2169431


EUR 7,20*

Project Management: A Management Accounting Perspective

by Ahmed, Mumtaz and David Alderman

year: 1986

order number: 2169434


EUR 14,40*

The Corporation: Growth, Diversification and Mergers

by Mueller, Dennis C.

year: 1987

order number: 2169436


EUR 9,00*

Industrial Dynamics and the Evolution of Markets in the Mutual Fund Industry

by Mattig, Andreas

year: 2009

order number: 2169282


EUR 34,20*

Employment, Technology and Development

by Sen, Amartya Kumar

year: 1975

order number: 2169242


EUR 10,80*

Market Structure and Innovation

by Kamien, Morton I. and Nancy L. Schwartz

year: 1982

order number: 2169228


EUR 11,70*

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