Buddhist Asia 1: Buddhist studies conference papers 2001
by Verardi, Giovanni and Silvio Vita
year: 2003
order number: 1700258
EUR 85,50*
IAHS program for XVII general assembly, Hamburg 1983: programme and abstracts
year: 1983
order number: 1699872
EUR 6,30*
L'identité régionale / Regionale Identität. Neuenburger Kolloquium 1980
by Bassand, Michel
year: 1981
order number: 1699320
EUR 13,50*
Methods of Operations Research: First Symposium - University of Heidelberg, September 1 - 3, 1976 / Teil 2
by Angermann, Adolf
year: 1977
order number: 1698062
EUR 9,00*
Teoria y realidad en el teatro espanol del siglo XVII. la influencia italiana, Roma 1978
by Estrada, Francisco Lopez und Franco Meregalli
year: 1981
order number: 1696786
EUR 112,50*
Colóquio interdisciplinar Friedrich Hölderlin, 150° aniversário da morte do poeta, Lisboa Dezembro 1993
year: 1994
order number: 1698833
EUR 20,70*
Proceedings in operations research 7: Vorträge der Jahrestagung DGOR 1977
by Brockhoff, K.
year: 1978
order number: 1697778
EUR 45,00*
Abstracts of papers: 20th international geographical congress Royaume-Uni
by Hamilton, F.E.Ian
year: 1964
order number: 1697663
EUR 5,40*
Excretion : 3. Internationales Symposium Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz vom 25.-27.4.1974
by Wessing, Armin
year: 1975
order number: 1697526
EUR 19,80*
International cultural relations - bridge across frontiers: symposium Bonn 1980
year: 1980
order number: 1697553
EUR 18,00*
Le problème féminin et les portraits de femmes dans l'oevre de Nikolaj Leskov
by Muller, Ines
year: 1991
order number: 1697611
EUR 54,00*
Raw materials for new technologies : Proceedings of fifth international symposium, Hannover, 19.-.21.10.1988
by Kürsten, Martin
year: 1990
order number: 1697528
EUR 27,00*
Stendhal: colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle 1982
by Berthier, Philippe
year: 1984
order number: 1697523
EUR 22,50*
Un développement des systèmes logiques de Stanislaw Lesniewski: protothétique - ontologie - méréologie
by Mieville, Denis
year: 1984
order number: 1697595
EUR 81,00*
National association for physical education in higher education: conference proceedings San Diego 1982
year: 1982
order number: 1697219
EUR 7,20*
Donatello e il suo tempo: atti dell'VIII convegno internazionale di studi sul rinascimento Firenze 1966
year: 1968
order number: 1695122
EUR 27,00*
Towards global optimisation: Proceedings of a workshop at the University of Cagliari, Italy, October 1974
by Dixon, C. W. and G. P. Szegö
year: 1975
order number: 1692885
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 6,30*
Dynamical systems. Proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Bahia, Salvador, Brasil, July 26-August 14, 1971
by Peixoto, M.
year: 1973
order number: 1691955
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 13,50*
Physiological and biochemical aspects of nervous integration: symposium Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole 1967
by Carlson, Francis
year: 1968
order number: 1690622
gebundene Ausgabe
EUR 4,50*
Eduard Norden : (1868 - 1941) - ein deutscher Gelehrter jüdischer Herkunft
by Kytzler, Bernhard
year: 1994
order number: 1634946
EUR 36,00*
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