Optimization and related fields : proceedings of the G. Stampacchia International School of Mathematics, held at Erice, Sicily, September 17 - 30, 1984
von Conti, Roberto, E. de Giorgi and F. Giannessi
Jahr: 1986
Bestellnummer: 2206932
EUR 31,50*
Potential theory : Copenhagen 1979 - proceedings of a colloquium, held in Copenhagen, May 14 - 18, 1979
von Berg, Christian, G. Forst and B. Fuglede
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206925
EUR 18,00*
Probability theory on vector spaces II: Proceedings, Blazejewko, Poland, September 17 - 23, 1979
von Weron, A.
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206920
EUR 22,50*
Representation theory II: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Representations of Algebras Ottawa, Carleton Univ., August 13 - 25, 1979
von Dlab, V. and P. Gabriel
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206912
EUR 11,20*
Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil : Paris 1976 - 1977 (30. année): Proceedings
von Malliavin, Marie Paule
Jahr: 1978
Bestellnummer: 2206923
EUR 24,30*
Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil : Proceedings, Paris 1977 - 78 (31. année)
von Malliavin, Marie Paule
Jahr: 1979
Bestellnummer: 2206930
EUR 31,50*
Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin : Paris 1979 (32. année): Proceedings
von Malliavin, Marie Paule
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206918
EUR 38,70*
Shape Theory and Geometric Topology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, January 19-30, 1981
von Mardesic, S. and J. Segal
Jahr: 198
Bestellnummer: 2206939
EUR 16,20*
Topology Conference: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, March 22 - 24, 1973
von Dickman, Raymond F. and Peter Fletcher
Jahr: 1974
Bestellnummer: 2206934
EUR 22,50*
Volterra equations : proceedings of the Helsinki Symposium on Integral Equations, Otaniemi, Finland, August 11 - 14, 1978
von Londen, Stig-Olof and Olof J. Staffans
Jahr: 1979
Bestellnummer: 2206917
EUR 19,80*
Analyse Harmonique sur les Groupes de Lie II: Seminaire Nancy-Strasbourg 1976-78
von Eymard, P., J. Faraut G. Schiffmann a. o.
Jahr: 1979
Bestellnummer: 2206852
EUR 31,50*
Bifurcation and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Proceedings, Université de Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France, October 2-4, 1978
von Bardos, C., J.M. Lasry and M. Schatzman
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206849
EUR 27,00*
Buildings of Spherical Type and Finite BN-Pairs
von Tits, Jacques
Jahr: 1974
Bestellnummer: 2206864
EUR 17,10*
Cylindric Set Algebras
von Henkin, L., J.D. Monk and A. Tarski
Jahr: 1981
Bestellnummer: 2206859
EUR 22,50*
Differential Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics II: Proceedings, University of Bonn, July 13 - 16, 1977
von Bleuler, Kondrad, H.R. Petry and A. Reetz
Jahr: 1978
Bestellnummer: 2206867
EUR 9,00*
École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XIII, 1983
von Aldous, David J., I.A. Ibragimov J. Jacod u. a.
Jahr: 1985
Bestellnummer: 2206855
EUR 27,00*
Formal Category Theory : Adjointness for 2-Categories
von Gray, John W.
Jahr: 1974
Bestellnummer: 2206861
EUR 10,30*
Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory: Proceedings of the Seminario de Analise Functional Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproximacao, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 7-11, 1975
von Machado, Silvio
Jahr: 1981
Bestellnummer: 2206863
EUR 29,70*
Functional Differential Equations and Bifurcation: Proceedings of a Conference, Held at Sao Carlos, Brazil, July 2-7, 1979
von Izé, Antonio F.
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206846
EUR 21,60*
Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of an NSF-CBMS Conference Held at the University of Lowell, Massachusetts, March 19-23, 1979
von Kaiser, G. and J.E. Marsden
Jahr: 1980
Bestellnummer: 2206850