Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: A Modern Comprehensive Treatise (CONVOLUTE of 21 vols./ KONVOLUT aus 21 Bänden) - hier vorhanden: Vol.I: General Introduction/ Aliphatic Compounds: Part A - G (cpl.)/ Vol.II: Alicyclic Compounds: Part A - E (cpl.)/ Vol.III: Aromatic Compounds: Part A/ B/ D/ Vol.IV: Heterocyclic Compounds: Part A/ E/ Supplement I - A-D/ Supplement II - A-E

Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds: A Modern Comprehensive Treatise (CONVOLUTE of 21 vols./ KONVOLUT aus 21 Bänden) - hier vorhanden: Vol.I: General Introduction/ Aliphatic Compounds: Part A - G (cpl.)/ Vol.II: Alicyclic Compounds: Part A - E (cpl.)/ Vol.III: Aromatic Compounds: Part A/ B/ D/ Vol.IV: Heterocyclic Compounds: Part A/ E/ Supplement I - A-D/ Supplement II - A-E
by Coffey, S.
Elsevier publ.,
year: 1964 ff.
Gebundene Ausgabe
order number: 1678913

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