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Culture, Envirtonmental Action and Sustainability

by Mira, Ricardo García, José M. Sabucedo Cameselle and José Romay Martínez

year: 2003

order number: 2092584

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 9,00*

Aging and Milieu: Environmental Perspectives on Growing Old

by Rowles, Graham and Russell J. Ohta

year: 1982

order number: 2092410

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 45,00*

Biodiversity and Savanna Ecosystem Processes: A Global Perspective

by Solbrig, Otto T., Ernesto Medina and Juan F. Silva

year: 1996

order number: 2092052

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 40,50*


by O'Riordan, T.

year: 1976

order number: 2091634

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 6,30*

Beyond the Individual: Environmental Approaches and Prevention

by Hess, Robert and Abraham Wandersman

year: 1985

order number: 2089545

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 31,50*

Theoretical Perspectives in Environment-Behavior Research: Underlying Assumptions, Research Problems, and Methodologies

by Wapner, Seymour, Jack Demick and C. Takiji Yamamoto

year: 1999

order number: 2088478

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 99,00*

Perceiving Environmental Quality: Research and Applications

by Craik, Kenneth

year: 1976

order number: 2088144

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 22,50*

Human Ecology and Cognitive Style: Comparative Studies in Cultural and Psychological Adaptation

by Berry, John Widdup

year: 1976

order number: 2087802

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 76,50*

Experiencing the Environment

by Wapner, Seymour, Saul B. Cohen and Bernard Kaplan

year: 1976

order number: 2087491

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 4,50*

Environmental Assessment: A case Study of New York City

by Lowenthal, David and Marquita Riel

year: 1972

order number: 2087404

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 8,10*

Global Environmental Change: Understanding the Human Dimensions

by Druckman, Daniel, Paul C. Stern and Oran R. Young

year: 1992

order number: 2087462

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 7,20*

Conservation and the Consumer: Understanding Environmental Concern

by Hackett, Paul

year: 06.1995

order number: 2087316

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 1,80*

Environmental Stress

by Evans, Gary W.

year: 1982

order number: 2087289

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 4,50*

Die heimische Pflanzenwelt in ihren Beziehungen zu Landschaft, Klima und Boden

by Rawitscher, Felix

year: 1927

order number: 2084690

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 4,50*

Welt und Umwelt

by Steck, Odil Hannes

year: 1978

order number: 2084266

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 3,10*

Pollution, Prices, and Public Policy: A Study Sponsored Jointly by Resources for the Future, Inc. and the Brookings Institution

by Kneese, Allen V. and Charles L. Schultze

year: 1975

order number: 2083703

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 4,50*

Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals

by Verschueren, Karel

year: 1977

order number: 2080070

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 11,20*

Climatology: An Atmospheric Science

by Hidore, John J., John E. Oliver and Mary Snow

year: 2010

order number: 2077906

gebundene Ausgabe

EUR 22,50*

Umwelt und Betriebswirtschaft : d. natürl. Umwelt als Gegenstand d. Unternehmenspolitik

by Strebel, Heinz

year: 1980

order number: 2076808


EUR 3,10*

EUR 2,20*

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